Wednesday, October 31

Mt Remarkable

We made it to the top of the mountain (see pic). The path was narrow, steep and rocky. Total distance is 12.2 kilometres.
Three quarters of the way up is the wreckage of a light aircraft that hit the mountain a few years ago.
Next day we stayed in bed until 9:00am, and only got up then because the primary school alarm went off to get the kids into class!

Monday, October 29


After a pleasant evening at a restaurant with friends on Sunday night, we were a little late getting up on Monday and only just managed to pack up and move out of the Whyalla caravan park by the 10:00 am deadline.
We had a 200km drive to Melrose and booked in here for three days. The pic shows the view from the window of the annex, looking at Mount Remarkable in the background and the river gums along Mt Remarkable creek just behind the van. Could be here for a while!

Sunday, October 28


The two days of dog trials are over. Wild weather was causing a problem, blowing down jumps and tents etc, but when a dog was blown off the top of the dog walk (1.5m high) it was time to call it off as too dangerous. The last class was done the next day.
Heading towards the southern Flinders tomorrow, probably Melrose.

Friday, October 26

Port Germein

We got to Port Germein for Thursday night. Had a walk on the jetty, 1528 metres to the end, then dinner in the pub. We had a sea bird drop a crab on us, a blue swimmer, but it was too small so we tossed it back in the sea. Pic shows Port Germein from about half way along the jetty.

In Whyalla for the trials now, so it will be a busy week end for us. Kathy is doing obedience for two days and I have a double agility trial on Saturday and one agility trial on Sunday.

Thursday, October 25

Whyalla Trials

We are getting ready for the trials at Whyalla, starting Saturday, leaving today. We are in Whyalla for Friday to Sunday, where we will be for the other days, we dont know yet.