Sunday, August 31

Back in the Cold

The view from the Hotel Window
Home to the cold, with 2 suitcases of washing and some new toys to play with. For some reason Kathy's phone would not work, but Keith's did. Don't know why. Internet access was a little restricted as the coast of plugging into the Hotel system was prohibitive, and the Macca's free access meant we could not post pictures. Just as well because we would have had a hell of a time working out which one to post.
Off to Mildura next weekend for dog trials.

Saturday, August 30

Last day in Singapore

We will be flying home tonight after a wonderful time in Singapore.
Kathy had her birthday on Sentosa Islandand and then Night Safari and we got back to the Hotel near midnight absolutely worn out.
Last minute shopping today then Changi Airport to catch the 10.00pm flight home.
The SKC people have been marvelous hosts and have spent extra time with us, showing us around and nights out for meals. Their local knowledge made the visit much more interesting and by getting us away from the Tourist Traps they showed us that you can eat really well for not too much if you know how in Singapore.

Thursday, August 28


We made it tio Singapore OK, arriving late due to the plane being hit by lightning.(Not while we were on it).
The dog trials were a huge success. We started at 9:am and finished at 7:pm, with me having a lunch break while the Agility competitors walked the course.
Dinner that night was at the Changi Beach Club, and was a great meal even though we were ready for bed!
Hospitality was great.
Did some tours, but time is running out on the Macca's free internet, so I have to go.
Due back Sunday

Saturday, August 16

Home early to go to Singapore

Thursday night was at Cadney Station, and another Cadney Burger. They are enormous.
Last night we were in Port Augusta and got home today at noon. The big relief was that the passports were still valid.
Things learned from the trip:
1) Get the caravan off the road by 3:30 pm or you get a crappy site.
2) Do not admit the van is small, because if you do you get a crappy little site, but no reduction in price.
3) High fuel prices have made the trucks slow down.
4) It is amazing how many people do not know how to use a toilet.
5) Caravan Parks in the busy season are overcrowded.
6) In a cross wind, the fourth trailer on a Road Train wags like a puppy's tail.
7) Do not leave the caravan fridge on 12 volts while parked.
8) Lock the caravan fridge door when moving.
We had a great time away, it was over too soon but the week in Singapore should be worth cutting our touring short.

Wednesday, August 13

Alice Springs

Its cold in Alice. We have got used to warm days and pleasant nights. Here it is cold at 5 pm and will get colder tonight. The heater is working overtime.
Pic shows the Telegraph Memorial near Alice Springs.
We called in on a friend in Alice who is a butcher, stocked up on the local news and the fridge. We expect to be near Coober Pedy tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 12

Back in Tennant Creek

We are in Tennant Creek heading home in a rush. We need time to get ready for Singapore next week so we do not have much time.
Kathy took this picture of a Crimson Finch - there are hundreds of them in the top end that congregate near water and fly off in a cloud of tiny birds when they are disturbed.

Monday, August 11


What an exciting life. We got bogged in sand two days ago, today the battery died on the Xtrail in the most convenient place possible - outside the Katherine Auto Parts shop, next to Woolworth's. We made it to Mataranka with enough time to go for a swim in the thermal pool. 32 degrees all the time.
We are heading for home because we have to be in Singapore by 24 August, a bit of a surprise, but we can not knock back an opportunity to go overseas. It looks like Kathy's birthday drink will be a Singapore Sling in Raffles.

Sunday, August 10

Valentine Springs

Another day touring round Kununarra, the pic shows Valentine Springs, one of the springs around here. We went to the Black Rock pool. Got there OK, but got stuck in the sand on the way out. Fortunately a guy in a Patrol dragged us out so I was saved an hour of digging.
Next stop is Timber Creek.

Friday, August 8

Lake Argyle

The Ord river is an amazing sight. The ammount of water in Lake Argile is enough to keep SA going forever.
The views around the lake are pretty good too. The first picture shows Dead Horse Springs, with Lake Argyle in the background

Yesterday we went to Wyndham. There was a big Saltie crocodile near the jetty, only a couple of feet from the shore. Kathy got so excited I had to lock her up in the Prison tree. A Boab that was used by the constable when transporting prisoners in the 1800s.

Thursday, August 7

Ord River crossing

Yesterday was spent looking around Kununarra. We followed the tourist guide round the town and out to see the sights. The old road crossing of the Ord River is shown in the photo, too big to fit in one picture,so this is two wide angle pictures joined in photoshop. The tour finished at the rum factory called the Hoochery, where they make rum in the old fasioned way.
Today we go to Wyndham

Wednesday, August 6


We arrived late at Kununarra and got a crummy site, next to the rubbish bins and on the road. Dust, flies, smells and noise. Kathy went to see the office and this morning we moved 50 metres to a nice shady, grassy site, so we may be here for a while.
Pic shows the rock face in the Hidden Valley national park, which is next to the caravan park.

Sunday, August 3

Litchfield National Park

The Litchfield National Park was fabulous. We stayed at the Banyan Tree caravan park for $19.50 a night and that included a sausage sizzle for dinner. Lots of people in the park, especially at the swimming holes. It was difficult to take photos at some swimming holes because of the many young women wearing half a hanky and a couple of feet of fishing line. The pic above is the Wangi Falls, one of the best in the park. We took a 4 wheel drive track to the Lost City (unusual rock formations) and picked up a couple of hitch hikers who had decided to walk the 10 k to the rocks. Obviously not used to the Territory sun!
Going to Kunanurra tomorow, we think.

Friday, August 1

Litchfield National park

The pic shows Edith Falls, about 70K from Katherine.
We have decided to go to the Litchfield national park for a few days, because Kunnunara has a rodeo on and the place is booked out.
Not sure if the NextG reaches Litchfield, so there may not be a posting for a couple of days