The pic shows trophy table at the Singapore Trials. The trials were held under cover at a shopping centre. Dogs were not allowed in the shopping area but there was a big area under a roof with cool air blown on it, but there were no walls. Some very good dogs with good scores, and a Golden Retriever winning the top class. Some may say it is Kennel Blindness, but the Golden really was the top dog. Some hard luck stories, with dogs missing one exercise, and a few dogs that did not cope with the noise and atmosphere at the venue.
The Agility trials were in a dog park so there were non competing dogs roaming about but the ring was fenced well. Lots of good dogs with skilled handlers, but as with all trials, there were a fair number of bars knocked and things going wrong. Very hot and humid, glad to get back to the air-conditioned hotel.
Going back to Darwin tonight.