Wednesday, July 24


At last we reach some warm weather. Not all that warm, but I did take off my jacket and spent most of the afternoon in a T shirt. We are at Kalbar Showgrounds, about 50 k from Ipswich so we have a nice easy run tomorrow, starting late and finishing early. We should be able to set up the van at the Ipswich Showgrounds tomorrow where we will stay for several days. The photo shows the  van parked near the Inglewood bowls club which was next door to a big park where we took the dogs for their lunch time walk.
The drive from Broken Hill to Moree was a good run with a long break at Bourke. We filled up the Navara at Moree and got 17 litres per hundred kilometres on that run, which is about 6 litres per hundred k better that we used to get. The Turbo Tune was worth every cent. Even with the strong head wind and rain from Home to Burra we still managed to get below 20l/100k.

Friday, July 19

Broken Hill

We are in Broken Hill at the start of our 10 weeks away. Last night was at Burra showgrounds, a good place to walk the dogs, and we found a sheltered spot behind a building that protected us from some wild and windy weather. The wind turned and was blowing us to Broken Hill for most of today. Much calmer now, we had a walk round the cemetery with the dogs which was a pleasant break after the drive. It is a huge cemetery, with one of the sad parts being the number of children that were buried here, particularly in the early part of the 19th century. It must have been a tough life in those days.
For the next 2 days we will be judging trials and then we will move off towards Ipswich QLD for next weekend.