Monday, October 28

Mount Gambier

Back on the road again in Mount Gambier in the South East of SA.
Dog trials again, with some success, check the dog blog from the link on the left.
We started out late as usual and got as far as Coonalpyn, about 180km from home, stayed the night  and got to Mt Gambier just after lunch time on Friday.
The Navara started making strange noises when the revs got above 3000, Still had lots of power and we got to the Mount OK. After the trials I took the Navara for a check up. The Nissan mechanic thinks the most probable cause is an air leak in the turbo charger but could not find it. The Navara is going in for a more thorough search tomorrow so we will be staying on for a couple of extra nights. Depending on the results from tomorrow, we will decide to continue on to Warrnambool for their trials next week end or to take the Navara home to be fixed.