Sunday, October 19

Home for a while

Back home after about 20 mega metres that included every mainland state and territory except ACT.
We had competed in the National trials in Queensland, the Royal in Darwin plus local trials and then went over to WA for their State Obedience titles.
Lots of action and adventures too. The problems with the caravan between Roma and Darwin were expensive and we bought a tent to live in while the van was repaired, I did work for a couple of weeks helping out with Solar Panel installations, and we visited lots of places, met up with old friends and made some new ones.
A brief return to Adelaide to help out with Kathy's mum then we were back on the road to WA. Our first time as tourists in the South West was a wonderful experience with the pic showing the dogs at Dunsborough which was close to where we were staying.
The weather was kind to us most of the time with just a few rainy days, but we were not impressed with the head wind going across the Nullabor on the way to the West, and even less impressed when the wind turned round so we had a head wind coming back.
We still have not seen the North West coast, that will have to wait for another time.

Wednesday, October 1


Wilson's Inlet at Ocean Beach near Denmark WA. We went out for a day of touring around Albany and found our way to this look-out.
The town of Denmark is a very pretty town surrounded by hills and forests and this view was about 15 km out of the town. 3 photos, stitched together in Photoshop.
We arrived near Busselton yesterday and have set up for a couple of days to allow us to have a look around here before moving on to Perth.