Monday, August 8

Roaming aqain.

After staying home for too long, we are on the move again to Queensland for a few weeks of dog trials, touring and doing nothing. The pic shows the van at MacCullochs Range Rest Area where we stayed on the second night out. Good place. good views and an amazing view of the stars at night. The emu was easy to see.

It was our second night free camping as we stopped at Mt Bryan the first night (OK we know its not far but we always start late) While the camp was free, the night in the Mt Bryan Hotel was not free, but it was a good meal and we had lots of entertainment from the locals and the publicans Kymm and Simon. Great night.

We took the back roads from Hughenden  to Mt Garnet and had no trouble with the dirt roads. It was on the bitumen that the van blew a tyre that did some damage. However, the tyre shop in Atherton fixed the rim with a big hammer and fitted a new tyre. Bunnings had all the bits for the damaged plumbing under the van and so we got out of the mess for $225. Could have been a lot more expensive.

We got to Cairns on time and competed in the trials there. Tiffany passed her 7th Jumping Master course and now has a Jumping Master Dog (JDM) title to add to her long list of titles.

We have got a couple of weeks being tourists before we go to the Atherton dog trials, There is an ADAA trial on next weekend so we may go to that just to see what it is about.

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